M.88 On 5 April the French and British Ministers called on the Premier and informed him that body glove notebook the Servian army at Corfu, having sufficiently rested and recovered, the Entente proposed to transport it to Salonica through Greece, and they had no doubt that Greece would readily consent.Yet not a day passed without incidents.General Sarrail, the Commander in Chief body glove notebook of the Allies, had nothing but praise for the courtesy of the Greek authorities, both civil and military.With that as one of its objects the Salonica expedition had been persisted in and as Greece persisted in standing out, the question resolved itself into one of continuous pressure.Skouloudis to Entente body glove notebook Ministers, Athens, 1124 Nov.The British Secret Service joined in following up the clues, and two Mohammedan merchants of Canea were arrested and deported to Malta on unimpeachable evidence of complicity.M body glove notebook.For if M.46 body glove notebook.They therefore must be assured that they will obtain, according to the promise already given by M.Hardly a day passed without their supplying information which, transmitted to the Fleets, led to raids at all points of body glove notebook the Greek coasts and isles.But other French statesmen, with M.