There they left her, and she pursued her way alone.The concession was all the more unnecessary, because a native force of insurrectionists, re enforced by online banking frauds a few Americans, was marching upon Tripoli from the rear, and would have soon brought the Bashaw to terms.It is generally believed, that, having conceived the idea of the infernal, he suggested it to Preble, and claimed for himself the right of leadership.But, though thus desperately wounded, James had yet online banking frauds one offering to lay before his captain, his life.A moment later the Tripolitan's hold relaxed, and he fell back dead while Decatur, covered with his own blood and that of his foe, rose to his feet, and stood amidst the pile of dead and wounded men that had gathered during the struggle around the battling chiefs.He online banking frauds had decided.For a moment a great sorrow fell upon the Americans.The Americans formed in a solid phalanx, online banking frauds and held their ground bravely.It may be said that this episode terminated the war with Tripoli.That night the Americans were gladdened online banking frauds by the arrival of the frigate John Adams, bringing letters and news from home.A few stars could be seen glimmering through the haze, and a light breeze ruffled the water, and wafted the sloop gently along her course.