On the north of Thermopyl there was a small stream, which came down through a chasm in the mountains to the sea.Under these circumstances, a body of the Phocans, six hundred in number, one day whitened their faces, their arms and hands, their clothes, and all their weapons, with chalk, and then, at the dead of night perhaps, however, when the moon was shining made an onset internal dvd burner recorder upon the camp of the enemy.The main body of the army pursued its way directly southward toward the city of Athens, which was now the great object at which Xerxes aimed.The Phocans immediately gave the internal dvd burner recorder alarm.Here, therefore, we must remain and the Persians, if they go through the pass at all, must go through it over our graves.There was a short internal dvd burner recorder conflict, The Phocans were driven off their ground.They would, he was satisfied, now that they found that the Persians were at hand, immediately retire down the pass, and leave the way clear.Those are the men, practicing athletic feats, and smoothing and adorning their internal dvd burner recorder hair, that are the most to be feared of all the soldiers of Greece.He began by solemn religious services, in the presence of his army, at an early hour and then, after breakfasting quietly, as usual, and waiting, in fact, until the business part of the day had arrived, he gave orders to advance.Wherever we are posted, there we stand, internal dvd burner recorder come life or death, to the end.