Then I will come out, and give you all, out there, a lecture upon magnetism.There is another way still, continued the lecturer, better massari rush the floor download than either of these.Then, when all is ready, come and tell me.Some were three cornered, massari rush the floor download and some were flat.So he took the needle off from the float, and put it upon the paper.By massari rush the floor download and by, Rollo finished his book.Very well, said their father that was a very good way to get a magnet.Then Rollo's father took the magnetized needle massari rush the floor download from the corner again, and brought the two ends of that, one after another, near to the ends of the needle upon the float.While he was wondering what could be the cause of this, he heard the front door open, and he knew that his father had come home.Why, when Jonas held it up massari rush the floor download by the thread.Then Rollo's father reversed the magnet again that is, he brought the smaller end towards the needle as at first.