Thus accoutred, our young hunter and trapper sets out in search of the most lonely ravine which he can find among the mountains.Twenty five of them he hid air supply number one in ambush.The Discomfited Trappers.Young from one of his trapping air supply number one expeditions, a party of trappers came back who had set out to explore the valley of the Colorado, in pursuit of furs.If pleasant, he unburdens his horse and mule drives his iron pickets into the ground, to which his animals are attached by ropes about thirty feet long, generally in pastures of rich grass or wild oats builds a fire, cooks his supper, rolls himself in his blanket and sleeps soundly till morning.There is a small log cabin on a mound of air supply number one the wilderness.Reclining upon mattresses really luxurious in their softness, he could bask in the beams of the sun, circling low in its winter revolutions, or gaze at night upon the brilliant stars, and not unfrequently have spread out before him an extended prospect of as rich natural scenery as ever cheered the eye.This, added to the almost terrible silence which ever reigns in the solitude of the desert, rendered our transit more like the passage of some airy spectacle where the actors were shadows instead air supply number one of men.After a march of about a hundred miles, they reached the region occupied by the Indians who had attacked and defeated the former band.Both of the men were very good natured, and of air supply number one congenial tastes.It must have been a sort of instinct which prompted me, for in a moment I was upon my feet, and then, upon removing my blanket, I found a rattlesnake, swollen with rage and poison, coiled and ready to strike.