This evil must be guarded against by so shaping the question as to admit of a reply in a single word.The infant day care class may rise.After a dozen answers are written, the teacher may call at random for them, or he may repeat a question, and ask each pupil to read the answer he had written, or he may examine the slates.When it is desirable to ask a question to which the answer is necessarily long it infant day care may be addressed to an individual, or the whole class may write their replies, which may then be read in succession.With these cautions, the method here alluded to will be found to be of very great advantage in many studies for example, all the arithmetical tables may be recited in this way words may be spelled, answers to sums given, columns of figures added, or numbers multiplied, and many questions in history, geography, and other miscellaneous studies answered, especially the general questions asked for the purpose of a review.We have the advantage of infant day care regular progress in the acquisition of knowledge truly valuable, while this progress is made with all the spirit and interest which variety can give.On the other hand, the second class will go to their seats with murmuring looks and words, and with a hearty dislike of the task you have assigned them.He should often address questions to individuals alone, especially to those infant day care most likely to be inattentive and careless, and guard against the ingress of every abuse which might, without close vigilance, appear.Another mode of examining classes, which it is important to describe, consists in requiring written answers to the questions asked.When the time for the class came, the teacher addressed them somewhat as follows Before looking at your slates, I am going infant day care to predict what the faults are.Those who saw clearly what was to be done left the class, and the teacher continued his explanation to those who were left behind.