He listened to it very coolly manifested no surprise but simply rose from the table, ordered a small body of men to attend him, and, taking the names of the principal conspirators, he went at once to their several houses and arrested them on the spot.Next jabber web based client after the pages came the embassy itself.Indeed, he was very blunt, and often rough and overbearing in his manners, not unfrequently doing and saying things which would scarcely be pardoned in a person of inferior station.He was so jabber web based client much interested in the subject of ships and ship building, and in every thing connected with navigation, that it was a delight to him to be in the midst of such scenes as were to be witnessed in the company's yards.After the ceremony of audience was completed the embassadors withdrew.THE jabber web based client EMPEROR'S TOUR.All this, of course, is entirely different at the present day in modern cities, where houses are built of brick or stone, and the arrangements for extinguishing fires are so complete that an alarm of fire creates no sensation, but people go on with their business or saunter carelessly along the streets, while the firemen are gathering, without feeling the least concern.Still, the leaders of the opposition contrived to open jabber web based client a communication with her.These commissioners were to have the whole charge of the government of the country during the Czar's absence.In order also to improve the accuracy of the methods employed by his ship masters for ascertaining the latitude and longitude in navigating their ships, he built an observatory, and furnished it with the telescopes, quadrants, and other costly instruments necessary for making jabber web based client the observations all at his own expense.The expedition traveled on in this way along the coasts of the Baltic Sea, on the way toward Holland, which was the country that Peter was most eager to see.1697 Objects of the tour An embassy to be sent The emperor to go incognito His associates The regency Disposition of the Guards The embassy leaves Moscow Riga Not allowed to see the fortifications Arrival at Konigsberg Grand procession in entering the city The pages Curiosity of the people The escort Crowds in the streets The embassy arrives at its lodgings Audience of the king Presents Delivery of the letter from the Czar Its contents The king's reply Grand banquet Effects of such an embassy The policy of modern governments The people now reserve their earnings for their own use How Peter occupied his time Dantzic Peter preserves his incognito Presents His dress His interest in the shipping Grand entrance into Holland Curiosity of the people Peter enters Amsterdam privately Views of the Hollanders Residence of the Czar The East India Company Peter goes to work His real object in pursuing this course His taste for mechanics The opportunities and facilities he enjoyed His old workshop Mode of preserving it The workmen in the yard Peter's visits to his friends in Amsterdam The rich merchant Peter's manners and character The Hague The embassy at the Hague At the time when the emperor issued his orders to so many of the sons of the nobility, requiring them to go and reside for a time in the cities of western Europe, he formed the design of going himself to make a tour jabber web based client in that part of the world, for the purpose of visiting the courts and capitals, and seeing with his own eyes what arts and improvements were to be found there which might be advantageously introduced into his own dominions.