I secured a position in the party as chain man.The party employed in this surveying tour consisted of about holiday cuff links forty men.Off we go around North Beach.First, then, we send out two or three men as scouts, to see if they can discover any signs of Indians, holiday cuff links such as footprints or trail, or smoke, or anything of that kind.It required all the rest of the day to re collect our party and to repair damages.I holiday cuff links decided not to go to the mining district until the spring sun should return.We left Independence on the third of June.Let me see your holiday cuff links arm.I will here tell you how Smith got his name of Peg Leg.We spent our time here in strolling around the city, visiting the tabernacle, bathing and fishing in the river Jordan, which empties into the lake, and in making sundry purchases holiday cuff links for the continuation of our journey to the Pacific.Cool Bravery of a Mountain Trapper.Loring, our chain man and I prepared to make a triangulation, in order to get the distance from the point we were at, to a white stone on our line of survey, holiday cuff links which was on the side of the opposite mountain and across the chaparral.Again we started upon our journey.Don't holiday cuff links shoot again, captain.One of them, the chief, stepped forward, and in Spanish ordered me to stop.