) 28, 35 Cincinnati Gazette 58, footnote, 88, footnote Clarimore 238, footnote Clark, Charles T 82, footnote Clark, George W 158 and footnote Clark, Sidney 104, footnote Clarke, G.W prices of laptop computers.SPEER, JOHN.REAGAN, JOHN prices of laptop computers H.WOODBURN, JAMES ALBERT.The story of the Civil War (New York, 1913), part iii, books 1 prices of laptop computers and 2.P.v, prices of laptop computers 94 112.TENNEY, WILLIAM J.B 290, prices of laptop computers footnote Bleecker, Anthony 41, footnote Blue River (Okla.S letter, 82 and footnote Coffin, S.WILLIAMS, CHARLES prices of laptop computers R.Jones, delegate from, in Congress, 299, footnote proposed conscription within, 328 Choctaws discord bred by unscrupulous merchants, 29 attitude towards secession, 63, footnote refugee, given temporary home, 213 waver in allegiance to South, 220 sounded by Phillips, 254 little recruiting possible while Fort Smith is in Confederate hands, 258 259 Steele entrusts recruiting to Tandy Walker, 265 no tribe so completely secessionist as, 290 protest against failure to supply with arms and ammunition, 301 proposals from Blunt known to have reached, 302 cotton, 308 309, footnote bestir themselves as in first days of war, 311 principal chief opposes projects of Armstrong Academy council, 321 want confederacy separate and distinct from Southern, 321, footnote do excellent service in Camden campaign, 326 Choo Loo Foe Lop Hah Choe talk, 68, footnote signature, 69, footnote Chouteau's Trading House 329, footnote Christie 305, footnote Chustenahlah (Okla.LUBBOCK, prices of laptop computers F.John Brown, 1800 1859 (Boston, 1910).