Monomaque reigned thirteen years, during which time he was incessantly engaged in wars with the audacious nobles of the provinces who refused to recognize his supremacy, and many of whom were equal to him in power.There is nothing of interest to be recorded during his reign of seven years, credit suisse asset management funds save that Russia was swept by incessant billows of flame and blood.The death of Sviatopolk occurred in a season of general anarchy, and it was uncertain who would seize the throne.The plague swept the kingdom with credit suisse asset management funds terrific violence, and whole provinces were depopulated.His religion was the inspiration of superstition and cowardice, not of intelligence and love.No horses or cattle were to be seen credit suisse asset management funds upon our plains.Human nature has not materially changed.I have left the capital of Russia to credit suisse asset management funds defend you.The king, Ysiaslaf, called for a levy en masse, of the inhabitants of Kief, summoned distant feudal barons with their armies to his banner, and marched impetuously to meet the conquering foe.The imposing ceremony drew to Kief the princes, the clergy, the credit suisse asset management funds lords, the warriors, even, from the most distant parts of the empire.Never take the name of God in vain, and never violate your oath.Civil war credit suisse asset management funds is necessarily followed by the woes of famine, which woes are ever followed by the pestilence.