The nobles of less exalted rank sent their delegates, and the assembly, much diminished in number, was transferred from the open plain to the city of Presburg., anxious as he was to preserve peace, could not but look with alarm upon the movements which shockwave games com now threatened the States of the empire.Meanness of Leopold.Two of the leading assassins hastened to Vienna to shockwave games com inform the emperor of the deed they had perpetrated.The forces of the empire were allied with Denmark and Poland against him.The joy of his father, however, was shockwave games com of short duration.Easily crossing a narrow strait about a mile in width, he plunged into the forests of the island of Falster.It shockwave games com was welcome intelligence to Ferdinand, and he finished the work they had thus commenced by hanging and beheading the adherents of Wallenstein without mercy.Had Ferdinand II.France, shockwave games com under Louis XIV.Elated by this infernal deed, the most infernal which mortal man can commit, he began to look around to decide in what direction to extend his conquests.Through burning homes and bleeding hearts and crushed hopes he shockwave games com marched to his renown.