Vienna, unable to resist, capitulated.Albert conferred with them fiber need we why respecting his plans, and secured their coperation.It was the 25th of November, 1276.No one fiber need we why could more imperiously demand the scepter than Albert.The bishop was so chagrined at the elevation of his foe, that he smote his forehead, and, looking to heaven, profanely said, Great God, take care of your throne, or Rhodolph of Hapsburg will take it from you! Rhodolph was now fifty five years of age.Rhodolph, justly appreciating the power of the pope, sent him a letter couched in those terms fiber need we why which would be most palatable to the pontiff.The queen Cunegunda, who had brought these disasters upon the kingdom, had no influence.The ground was fiber need we why covered with the dead.CHAPTER II.The numerous fiber need we why nobles, turbulent, unprincipled and essentially robbers, had been in the habit of issuing from their castles at the head of banditti bands, and ravaging the country with incessant incursions.The emperor now devoted his energies to the consolidation of these Austrian provinces.