Why, yes, replied his father I do not know but that it is a good plan enough, that is, for play.You might give him one lifestyle photo reflect of yours, and then you will both have twenty two.And, now, here is a luncheon for you in this basket.There! lifestyle photo reflect said he.I wish so too, said Rollo but I will give you two of my cents, and then I shall have only twenty one, like you.When they got to the other end of the barn, they found a door lifestyle photo reflect leading out into a shed and there was Farmer Cropwell, with one of his men and a pretty large boy, getting out some ploughs.You would consider what you could raise to best advantage, and then lay out your garden not as you might happen to fancy doing it, but so as to get the most produce from it.Don't you think that is reasonable, lifestyle photo reflect Rollo? said his father.But do you intend to make work or play of it? Why, I must make work of it, must not I, if I have a real garden? No, said his father you may make play of it if you choose.Are you sure it is your own? Why, yes, sir, said Rollo, taking off his hat and looking at it, and wondering lifestyle photo reflect what his father could mean.Work and Play.Why not, lifestyle photo reflect father? We want to, very much.Besides, James said it was sundown, and time for him to go home but he promised to come the next morning, if his mother would let him, as soon as he had finished his lessons.If you give me two, lifestyle photo reflect I shall have twenty three.