It was clever of David, though, to have her tell him the story, for then she would sometimes forget that her little boy was not having his siesta.But David would boston college community roxbury not be deceived.It is so easy to discover that you are thirsty, and besides, it usually gives you a chance to stay awake a little while longer.If you have a looking glass, boston college community roxbury you can see the white mustache the drink has left on your lip.Why don't you show David that there may be a chance for him after all? It would be proper for you to remind him that you yourself used to wear dresses, but of course you will make sure to speak of the disgrace as a thing of many years ago.I dread to think that you are telling him to boston college community roxbury tear his kilts all to splinters.The boys made fun of it, but it was very beautiful and ever so soft and fine.Before demanding if it were quite true, he lay still boston college community roxbury awhile and thought about it.One gets them at such times as Christmas and birthdays, and such a delightful squeak was in these shoes that David could scarcely eat his breakfast for wanting to walk about in them.He boston college community roxbury suspected that Mother thought he was a good little boy, and he suspected that she thought Mitchell Horrigan was a bad little boy.Perhaps the lazy clamor of the wagon and the hissing sound of the steadily gushing water made too big a noise for the voice of such a little boy to be heard.Only David boston college community roxbury did not have a brick.Down he swoops upon your nose, hitting it precisely in the same place where he lit before.